Growing Older — Using Honey over Sugar

When I was younger, I loved to use sugar and couldn’t stand the sight or taste of honey. In my world, honey wasn’t sweet enough to do what I wanted. So for years I shunned honey and embraced sugar.

Things really do change when you get older. Your tastes change, and preferences change. Today, if you ask me what would I prefer: sugar or honey in my tea, I’ll answer honey every time. I don’t need the extra sweetness from sugar. I’ve actually outgrown it. Subtle flavor is what’s working for me.

I’ve drunk black tea before without any sweetner in it. It’s do-able, but it’s an aquired taste. I’ve drunk it with sugar, and I usually had to throw it out since it was too sweet. A few mornings ago, I gave it a try with honey and I was blown alway by how perfect it was. It was just the right amount of sweetness that was needed and not an ounce more.

I know Im late to the honey game, but I’m sure I’m going to be adding honey to many different things. For now though, I’ll just enjoy the honey I got.

What about you, how do you like your tea?

About KalleyC

I am a SAHM who recently found the love of blogging. I am also an avid reader who loves her nook.

Posted on May 1, 2011, in Health and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

  1. I’m definitely a honey in my tea fan. I love the stuff! But when it comes to a good ol’ fashioned tall glass of sweet tea, gotta have that sugar 🙂

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